Final Project

J7330 Social Media Theory and Practice Spring Final Project



Due: May 7

As you know, we don’t do tests or papers in this course.  Ultimately, our goal all along has been to create a blog focused on a particular topic of interest, serving as a hub for a broader social media presence on multiple networks. The idea is that you’ve been developing a kind of social media portfolio that will showcase your abilities.  Anybody can SAY they are a social media guru, and many do. You can prove it.

For your final project, I would like you to, in a memo to me, please describe (if you would like to put this on your journal blog, you can do that, too. Up to you):


  • What do you think are the key takeaways from this course? Be specific. Pretend you are in a job interview and somebody is asking you how you would develop AND execute a social media strategy for their brand. You should blend your knowledge of the theory and research with your  lived experience actually doing it for your topic. [This is, by the way, a plausible real-world scenario.] Focus on what you think the most important things are, and use a couple of specific examples of how you put these takeaways to work with your blog/social media presence.
  • What you learned from tracking your metrics? What worked/didn’t work based on the numbers? Did you see movement as the semester progressed?
  • Going forward, if you were to maintain or build a social media presence on your topic, what might you do and why?
  • Explore some new social media tool we didn’t discuss in class. Find some articles about it, practice using it in relation to your beat blog, reflect on what you did and how it went. Please include any relevant links in memo.


This does not have to be formal. But I should be able to follow your logic and you should be reasonably specific.


If you would like to propose an alternate project for yourself, you may do so and I’ll consider it.


Finally, you may want to think about any last things you could do to enhance your social media portfolio around your topic. If there was a week where you weren’t quite pleased with how things went, you could go back and beef that up a bit.


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