Class Reminders 4/23

For next week, we will have a short class just to wrap things up and give you time to work on projects. We will do it online only since it will be short, about 30 minutes. If you want to talk about your project and get some feedback from me or the class, you can do so.


Note on late work: This semester, because so many people had the Meeman plague and all kinds of other issues, I’ve been pretty lenient about deadlines. But at some point, the semester is, well, over. 🙂 If you aren’t going to be able to catch up on any late stuff by the last day of class, then you should give me some kind of update on if/when you are planning on finishing stuff up so I know what is going on. I can give incompletes but I can’t guarantee I can grade all work that comes in after the deadline, because our grading deadlines are very tight and strict.

 Other assignments for Wed:

Write a post on your topic blog in which you round up links of interest to your audience and offer a short summary of them.

Work on final project

Readings for next week are pretty basic. You don’t have to summarize them in your topic blog, but I’d do them. I think you’ll enjoy them. Most people tell me they did.

Google+ – At least get it set up and looking a little spiffy and send me a link.


I will send Joelle’s PowerPoint when I’m on my laptop.


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